
Showing posts from September, 2020

7 Days course-lesson-3-RAJA YOGA

  LESSON-3 WHAT IS RAJA YOGA 3.1. ORIGIN Om Shanti. Om Shanti is an awareness of my own true state-that of total peace. This is the essence of the teachings of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is now being taught by the Supreme Father through the human instrument of Prajapita Brahma. Although the term Raja Yoga has been in existence for many centuries, the original teachings of the ancient Raja Yoga, taught by the sermonizer of the Geeta, the God of the Geeta, have been lost to mankind, which is why we have been unable to experience that highest state of union, or True Yoga. Now, in accordance with the promise given to us by God in the Geeta,” Whenever there is unrighteousness, I incarnate, to establish righteousness and destroy irreligiousness; I come to teach Raja Yoga,” the teachings are once again being given, to fulfil this promise. 3.2. AIM Raja Yoga is known as the highest of all teachings because the aim of Raja Yoga is perfection; not merely bringing about a little change or

Seven days course on Godly knowledge-Lesson-2-God the Supreme

  LESSON-2 GOD THE SUPREME 2.1. SUPREME I am a peaceful soul, a tiny spark of light, a non-physical being. In this consciousness, I am able to see others as soul too. When we go beyond the limitations of physical identity in this way, we forget the appearance, occupation, bodily relationship of others and see as our brothers. All souls are brothers, points of energy, in different physical costumes, and playing different roles in this world drama on this world stage. However, many questions still arise. If we are all brothers, and the world is like one large family, is there a father or mother for all these souls? Similarly, if we see ourselves as actors, playing different roles in different costumes, is there a director of this huge drama? Is it possible that there is a Supreme Being, a source of power, energy and knowledge who would fulfil the role of Father or Director? 2.2. A SUPREME BEING IF SO, WHO? It has been mentioned that the meaning of “Yoga” is union and the meanin


  SEVEN DAYS COURSE ON GODLY KNOWLEDGE BY BRAHMA KUMARIS LESSON 1 WHO AM I 1.1 . INTRODUCTION Om Shanti- These two words represent the essence of the teachings of Raja Yoga.”Om” means “I am a soul”, and “Shanti” means “Peaceful”. Hence “I am a peaceful soul”. Yet how long can I maintain being a peaceful soul? If I look back over the last 24 hours, is this what I have been?       Probably the situation has been a very different one. In my search for peaceful satisfaction in life, I have been trapped by peacelessness, which has influenced me so much that I have moved so far away from my natural the consciousness of peace.       Through the teachings of Raja Yoga, the soul is able to achieve its natural state of peace very easily. The name of Raja Yoga has been used for a long time; many centuries in fact, although these teachings have only recently emerged and are quite revolutionary. They explain very simply the most fundamental information of all: that of who I am and what I