Seven days course on Godly knowledge-Lesson-2-God the Supreme





I am a peaceful soul, a tiny spark of light, a non-physical being. In this consciousness, I am able to see others as soul too. When we go beyond the limitations of physical identity in this way, we forget the appearance, occupation, bodily relationship of others and see as our brothers. All souls are brothers, points of energy, in different physical costumes, and playing different roles in this world drama on this world stage. However, many questions still arise. If we are all brothers, and the world is like one large family, is there a father or mother for all these souls? Similarly, if we see ourselves as actors, playing different roles in different costumes, is there a director of this huge drama? Is it possible that there is a Supreme Being, a source of power, energy and knowledge who would fulfil the role of Father or Director?


It has been mentioned that the meaning of “Yoga” is union and the meaning of “Raja” is King, master or sovereign, but, in particular, it means supreme, so Raja Yoga is union with the Supreme, the Father, Director, the one who has been remembered as God.

However, when I start to search for the identity of Supreme Being, it becomes extremely confusing. From every direction comes different images are thrust upon me along with a multitude of conflicting scriptures. I even reach the stage when I wonder whether there is a God, or whether it is all the creation of human minds. Surely, if there is a Supreme Being in existence it should be possible for me to have one complete introduction to Him, one complete set of facts.

The human experiment has been one thing, but the knowledge from the Supreme Being about His own form and identity is something very different. Let us consider various ideas that have been put forward, according to the teachings of Raja Yoga and perhaps you will experiment with those, and in so doing reach an experience of the Supreme. After all, the purpose of knowledge is to experience. Surely it is possible to experience a relationship through direct communication with my Supreme Father?


Having recognised the soul to be a point of light, a point of energy, I can now see others as my brothers. Each soul is unique, and identity within itself, each with a different record of experience, a unique intellect, and a mind which functions on a particular wavelength. However, ever the soul is the same size and form, a tiny point of light. It is certainly possible then, that the father of all souls would have the same form. The Supreme Being is also a soul, a spark of light, the infinitesimal pinpoint which contains within itself a mind, intellect and Sanskars, a personality.

It has often been felt that God is some form of energy, but that the Supreme Being is one with a personality, with whom I can have a relationship, may seem strange. What are Sanskars, what is personality? It is the recording of the action, God has been remembered as the one who performed actions which were truly beneficial, so the Supreme Being has benefit in the Sanskars. He has been remembered as the Ocean of Knowledge, and it is within the intellect that knowledge is retained. The intellect of the Supreme, being supreme, is beyond limitations-with complete wisdom and awareness.  The Supreme also has a mind, and God has been recognised as one who gives unlimited love, peace and mercy.

Infinite or Infinitesimal- The idea of God being an infinitesimally small point of light seems very different the generally held view that God is infinite, unlimited. The word “infinite” has usually been thought of as meaning immeasurably vast, huge in dimensions. How, this word has quite another aspect, which also means ‘beyond geometrical dimensions’, and this is that which is infinitesimal,’ that which is so minute that it cannot be measured’. It is definitely possible that the form of the Supreme is this rather than the huge, unlimited infinity.

We have heard that the qualities of God are unlimited, and have therefore assumed that the size of the Supreme Being is unlimited, but in fact, size and depth of quality are not necessarily related. We do not judge the qualities of a human by the size of the body. The power of the soul has no connection with the physical dimension. I can recognise the soul as a dot, and the Supreme Soul to be the same, and yet from this dot radiates qualities as unlimited as the Ocean; unlimited love, peace, purity, bliss, power-the list is also limitless.

From this spark of light, light emanates in an oval image, just as form candlelight emerges from a point source and assumes an oval image. It is interesting to see that throughout the world God has been remembered as a form of light, usually with this oval image. Images in gold, silver, diamond and even ice have been made-forms that are visible to the eyes and can therefore be worshipped. But even one religion, Islam, which has no form of idol worship, has in Mecca, an oval, black, crystal stone which is precisely the same image. (This is called the Sang-e-Aswad, the Holy Stone). A group of Buddhists in Japan focus their thoughts on an oval-shaped image known as the peace-giver when they sit in meditation. Zoroaster, the prophet of the pareses, advocated the worship of fire as the remembrance of the Supreme, ’The Great Light”. Christ has spoken of God as Light, Moses had visions of the burning bush and the form of light appearing, Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, has spoken of the One Incorporeal, the One without human form. Certainly, this is the one form in which God has been remembered which appears throughout the world.


It is said that if you were to turn the earth into paper, the ocean to ink and quills, still it would not be possible to write down all the qualities of the Supreme and all the praise which could be attributed to Him. But in order to understand definite characteristics, we can concentrate on the specific qualities, love, purity, peace, bliss and power. As we turn our thoughts to the Supreme in meditation, the soul is flooded with the experience of these qualities and actually absorbs these qualities within itself, thus eventually achieving complete transformation.

We have thought of God as the Father of all souls, but if, within this spark of light, there are all qualifications, it is quite possible for Supreme to be experienced as the Mother, as well as the Father. Although the word” He” is used, conveying the idea of the dominant role of the father, there are the definite love and mercy of the Mother within that soul. And similarly, because the Supreme has all qualifications, I can experience Him in His numerous roles, in all relations.

If there is to be united with the Supreme, it is only possible when there is the awareness of God as a pinpoint. It is not possible for the mind to concentrate on a huge expanse. When a complete image is seen, then the mind, the eyes and the brain will instantly build up a composite picture and a whole scene will come together. But there can only be total concentration on one tiny part of one object. And so the soul, seeking union with the Supreme, sees Him as a point, total concentration can then be achieved and the union is experienced. A relationship is then built up.


We have been looking at the similarities between the soul and the Supreme Soul, in form, size and in the function of the mind, intellect and Sanskars. There are, however, some interesting differences.

All soul take a human body, a costume, in which to play there on the world stage, within the cycle of birth and death. But the supreme Soul is the One free from this cycle of birth and death, the One who is constantly incorporeal.

Souls, taking on a human body, are governed by the laws of action and reaction (Karma), and there is either liberation or bondage, depending on actions.

The Supreme is the One who is totally fulfilled, eternally complete, and forever constant, constant in the name (Where human names are merely labels for the body), constant in qualities. No human soul has this constancy, and this is why we turn to God when seeking the stability we ourselves lack.

The Supreme is also constant in the abode.


We have been looking at the similarities between the soul and the Supreme Soul, in form, size and in the function of the mind, intellect and Sanskars. There are, however, some interesting differences.

All souls take a human body, a costume, in which to play their roles on the world stage, within the cycle of birth and death. But the Supreme Soul is the One free from this cycle of birth and death, the One who is constantly incorporeal.

Souls, taking on a human body, are governed by the laws of action and reaction (Karma), and there is either liberation or bondage, depending on actions.

The Supreme is the One who is totally fulfilled, eternally complete, and forever constant, constant in the name (where human names are merely labels for the body), constant in qualities. No human soul has this constancy, and this is why we turn to God when seeking the stability we ourselves lack.

The Supreme is also constant in the abode.


Just as it is important to know the name of someone with whom one is forming a relationship, it is also important to know where they are, where they live. To form a relationship with God, I must know precisely where He is so that I can turn my mind to Him.


This physical world on which we are now living is known as the CORPOREAL WORLD.

Beyond this world of matter, of physical elements, there is the SUBTLE REGION of light sometimes referred to as the astral plane.

Beyond the Subtle Region is the INCORPOREAL WORLD, a place of constant, unchangeable light, of complete stability, silence and peace. The land of Nirvana, which means the land beyond sound or the land of release or of liberation. This is my Home, the world from which all souls come, and the land where all souls ultimately go. It is also the Home of the Supreme Father, Shiva Baba.

The Raj Yogi can turn his mind away from this corporeal world to that incorporeal world, where the Father resides, and where he can experience complete peace.


It is possible seems strange to think of God as a minute point of light, of energy, with a fixed form, and indeed a fixed abode. It is a very widely and strongly held concept in both the East and West that the Supreme pervades the entire universe, in other words, is omnipresent. Let us examine some in connection with this.

If the Supreme Soul did pervade the entire universe, surely, then the qualities of the Supreme Soul would also pervade everything? In this case, there would be no difference between the living and the non-living, and certainly each and every being would reflect the qualities of the Supreme. Such things as sin, impurity and peacelessness would not exist and only the qualities of God would be displayed love, purity, knowledge, peace and bliss.

I am told that it is ignorance that has coloured the soul and which prevents the qualities of good emerging, then, if I am pervaded by the Supreme, it is questionable whether ignorance could have come in the place. Am I not implying that ignorance has come to the Supreme?

It is often suggested that the Supreme is an unlimited ocean and that we souls are drops from that ocean which will eventually merge back within it. But drops from the ocean are made up the same elements, and, again only the qualities of the ocean would be found in the drops.

Let us consider the Supreme to be in one location, and from that location, qualities emanate so that wherever I am, I only have to tune my thoughts to that source and I am able to pick up those vibrations and experience a relationship. The radio transmitter has one specific location, from which transmissions spread throughout the world, and wherever there is a receiver tuned to that specific wavelength or frequency, it will be able to pick up the transmission. Here we find a reason why it has not been possible for us to experience the Supreme in our daily lives up to now.

If my mind has been tuned to the physical activity, the gross world and material objects around me, I have not been able to up the transmissions, even though God has been sending them. I have been on a different wavelength. If my thoughts come away from the physical, and I move into a stage of soul-consciousness, it becomes very easy for me to pick up the vibrations and through my thoughts, make contact and experience Shiva Baba, my Father.


While sitting in meditation, think over the following and try to experience and draw power from each thought.


I become aware of me as the soul... a point source of light in the centre of the forehead... my thoughts move beyond the body... beyond the bodily world... up to a region of immense light... there is total peace, perfect stillness.. this is my Home...

I find me in the presence of Shiva Baba. Baba, a spark of light, radiating the Ocean of light... I absorb light within myself...Baba, the Ocean of peace.. I feel the waves of peace...soothing...cooling...calming the natural state is that of peace...

This is how I was before, this is how I was before, this is how I will be forever...

The Almighty Authority fills me with His power, the weak soul is transformed..I become the embodiment of strength and power...the embodiment of peace..of light..of might...of purity...of bliss.....


(a) At Night- As the last thought at night, so the first thoughts in the morning. Before going to sleep, if thoughts are linked, through the meditation, to the Supreme, then peace, calmness and stillness will remain in sleep.

(b) On Rising- The first thoughts in the morning provide the foundation for the day. By raising just a few minutes earlier than usual and through meditation receiving the power of the Supreme, the soul can make the day pass with ease, lightness and a loveful attitude.

Experiment and see the result.

2.11 STUDY

Before reading the questions and whilst answering them, the intellect can be made clear by remembering “Who Am I”. Many have been surprised by the difference this makes.


2A.   what is the form of the Supreme and what is meant by the name Shiva.

2B.   Explain the difference between the soul and the Supreme Soul.

2C.   Give some reason why God cannot be omnipresent.

2D.   What is meant by the Three Worlds?











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