What Am I?


What Am I?

1.        You are not this body. You are an eternal soul now abiding in this body.

2.        “I” and “MY” signify two separate entities.

3.        You are not this body, your body is but a tabernacle, or say your cottage.

4.        The soul is the driver in charge of the body which serves as a carriage also to the soul.

5.        The body and its organs are the means of action.

6.        The soul is a diamond, the body being the casket for it.

7.        There is a composite machine or assembly of instruments by means of which I speak, hear, see, work and move about, but I am different from it through I employ it (body). E.g.; - Telephone

8.        I am an entity different from my body. I am not the eyes, the ears or the mouth but I see with my eyes, speak through the mouth, hear with the ears and am the master. I am a soul, eternal and immortal. The body is mortal. I have got it to do actions and to experience the result of my actions. I am eternal and I am the doer and the experiencer.

9.        When the soul leaves the body is declared to be dead.

10.     The soul is a living or a sentiment thing.

11.     The soul is not separate or distinct from the mind, the intellect (Buddhi) and predispositions (Sanskaars).

12.     The soul is its own enemy as well.

13.     One should not blame the mind.

14.     When a soul attains this state of salvation, the mind does not perish but lies dormant in the soul; it is there in the soul in an unmanifest state or in the state of salvation, has not to do any action and it does not do any action and it does not have a body for performing an action; so the mind remains unmanifest or ‘asleep’.

15.     The soul’s own volition, will, thoughts and experiences are named as ‘mind’ and the soul’s reasoning, deliberation, judgement, grasping of ideas, knowledge and memory are known by the name “intellect”.

16.     The brain is the control room of this soul. It is in the brain that the soul through these nerves puts the body to work and experiences physical sensations, pleasure and pain or happiness and sorrow. But, the brain is separate from the soul, the

brain is a complex thing made of mattes whereas the soul has this life-principal or consciousness.

17.     The soul abides in the middle of the forehead.

18.     This refulgent soul is very subtle; it is like an atom. Just as a star, shining in the sky appears to us on this earth to be only a bright point, even so, the soul which is a self-luminous point or a shining dot resides in the middle of the forehead.

19.     This soul (Purusha); different as it is from matter, must have come from some region to play its own part to observe the parts of others.

20.     The mystery of three worlds revealed- Soul has come from Paramdhaam into this foreign land.

21.     CORPORAL WORLD: - World of human beings. Gross world, Karma kshetra, a huge drama Stage.
SUBTLE WORLD:- The world of the deities.PARAMDHAAM, Brahmaloka-Paraloka Shantidhaam Muktidhaam-Nirvanadhaam
BRAHMA-It is a subtle light which pervades the Paramdhaam. That light is not conscient, but is the sixth element of non-living matter; it is above Satguna, Rajoguna or Tamoguna-the three modes of matter.

22.     Does the soul have physical rebirth?
i) should we take it that whatever pain or pleasure we have in this life  is due to the result of our actions in past lives.
ii) if the soul transmigrates why does it not remember its past life.
iii) how should one except that the accounts our “past” actions one yet to be paid and cleared and that we had former lives also.


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